Every stitch pattern I've come across that is cute and trendy invariably leads me back to the Frosted Pumpkin. It's definitely my style, if I were a cross-stitcher, which I'm not. {wink} But I don't plan to let that stop me! Once upon a time I wasn't a quilter either... {grin} I am anxiously awaiting the first pattern release this Thursday. Each month till November I'll get another piece of the puzzle to stitch up. Which I think it probably a good thing since I haven't cross-stitched since I was 8. My grandpa gave me my first (and only) kitted pattern ---- a balloon-holding penguin. (Ah, the 80s...) Thankfully it was fairly basic and color-coded 'cause it took me forever! {grin} I'm stitching up this nod to the National Parks as a gift for my mom. She's been my fearless tour guide for over 35 years and I love her heaps and bunches! It's but a drop in the bucket when I think about all the time over the years that she's devoted to mapping our routes, smearing cream cheese on Ritz crackers, and practicing her bear spray quick-draw in the backyard because you just never know.... Thanks, mom ---- you are definitely one in a million and one of God's "good gifts" to me!
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